One day, there was a blind girl who hated herself because blind. Not only for himself, but he also hated everyone except her boyfriend. He was always there for her and comforted her. He said he would marry her boyfriend only if he could see the world. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to so he could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked, "Now you can see the world. Would you marry me? "The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind. She refused to marry him.
Her boyfriend went with tears flowing, and then wrote a brief letter to the girl, "My dear, please keep my eye well."
The story above shows how the human brain changes when our status changes. Few people remember what life was before and even fewer remember against whom must be grateful to have accompany and sustain even in the most painful.
Life is a gift
Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can not speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who does not have anything to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who so expect the presence of a child, but finding none.
Before you argue about your dirty house, and did not clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living on the streets.
Before you whine because they have to drive too far - Think of someone who must walk for the same distance.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who want your job.
Before you pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that no one is without sin and we must face the tribunal of God.
And when life seems to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still in this world.
Life is a gift, Live it, enjoy, celebrate and fill it. ENJOY EVERY MOMENT IN YOUR LIFE, BECAUSE IT MAY NOT be repeated!
Being successful is everybody's dream. Obviously it is necessary for a strong motivation to overcome challenges to achieve what you want. This motivation must be grown from within oneself. You could have read hundreds of books or go to dozens of seminars to get an injection of motivation, but the thing that often happens is that the increase in emotional moment for change. Perhaps this last one or two weeks and after that you feel everything back into mediocrity like the old conditions. Ever feel that way?
"Motivation is a tree that you flush with self discipline"
How do you stay motivated to work for achieving the desired objectives? The bottom line motivation is an art to communicate with yourself. This communication involves the feelings you through the emotions that arise.
So what's the difference between feelings and emotions?
Examples like this, if you feel guilty about the emotions that arise may fear being judged, wanting to escape, etc.. If you feel unhappy, emotions can be a joy, joy, desire to share, etc.. Emotions arise as a result of the feelings that happen inside yourself.
So really easy to live motivated. The key is to feel happy things and imagine that you will achieve success. I guarantee you'll be motivated to work.
In addition there are some tips that I want to give so that you can be motivated whenever and wherever:
1. Always consistent
Ease arising from the habit. Had the same motivation. It requires self-discipline so you get used to life with motivation. There is a good expression that says, "Something that you repeat every day for 21 days will become a habit." I encourage you to practice. Start with simple things like a smile in front of a mirror, say "Yes" prior work, and more.
2. Be responsible
You need someone who will remind you to stay at the destination. He is charged with providing support and become a partner for exchanging ideas and thoughts you have. From here you will feel a responsibility to provide the best for him. The process of achieving the goal of being more easily by the presence of someone who is a mirror of yourself.
3. Surround yourself with people who are oriented the same
If you want to lose weight, make sure you're with friends who have the same goal. If you want to build businesses, friends with the people who've been in the business world or those who want start a business. You can get energy and motivation from them. It would be very easy to be motivated when you get support. What you perceive as barriers when working alone can be resolved with the help and support of friends who has a vision for the same.
4. The focus on process, rather than objective
It is very important. Often you down mentally when faced with the difficulty to reach the goal. Focus on the process. Each process takes time. For some fast, some slow. Your objective is clear, but the journey to get there can be winding and up and down. With a focus on the process you avoid the mental burden because you are now in control of the process itself, rather than controlled by the target to achieve the goal.
Now you know that the more motivation the key to success. All you need now is a strong willingness to apply it in everyday life. Like what the saying goes "There's no way the will." Good work, and do not forget to appreciate yourself in every moment of it even the smallest success.
When applying for a job there, picking up trash on the floor paper in the trash, and it showed by the lawyer-interview, and she got the job.
It turned out that the award is very easy to obtain, sufficient to maintain good habits.
There was a boy became a student at a bike shop. One time there was someone who drove a bicycle damaged to be repaired at the shop TSB. In addition to improving bicycle TSB, the child was also clean the bike until shiny clean. Other students laughed at his actions. The next day after the owner of the bike take the bike, the little sister drawn / taken at the work place.
It turned out to be the one to succeed is very easy, just have a little initiative
A child said to his mother: "Mother was very beautiful day. Mother replied: "Why? Son answered: "Because of today's mothers did not get angry.
It turned out to have the beauty is easy, just have not angry.
A farmer sent his son every day to work diligently in the fields. The friend said: "No need to send your son to work hard, you will still Plants thrive. Farmer replied: "I'm not fertilize my plants, but I'm building my son.
It turned out that fostering a child is very easy, just let her diligent work.
One coach said to his disciples: "If a ball falls into the grass, how do I look?
There is an answer: "Find the beginning of the middle." There is also an answer: "Find the sunken into the grass." And there's the answer: "Find the highest in the grass. Coaches provide the most appropriate answer: "step by step from the edge of the grass looking up into the grass over here over there.
Apparently the road to success is very simple, just do things step by step in a sequence, do jumping jacks.
Frog that lives in rice fields said to the frog who lived on the streets: "Your place is too dangerous, stay with me." Frog in the street said: "I'm used to, too lazy to move." A few days later the frogs "fields" to see the frog "side of the road" and found that the frog is dead over by a passing car.
It turned out very easily hold our own destiny, just enough to avoid laziness.
There are a bunch of people walking in a desert, all walking with heavy, very miserable, only one man who walked with joy. One asked: "Why are you so relaxed?" He replied with a laugh: "Because I am a bit of luggage."
It is proving very easy to get joy, not greedy enough and has just enough
Sincerity is ranked first as the most preferred by nature everyone. Sincerity makes others feel safe and appreciated for sure will not be fooled or deceived. People who genuinely have always said Truth, not like making it up, pretend, make excuses or distort the facts. Principle, "Yes on Yes and No on No". It would be more ideal if sincerity is as soft as a dove was counterbalanced with the cunning of a serpent. That way, sincerity does not become innocence can hurt yourself.
In contrast to the low self-esteem which is a weakness, concern precisely kerendah express power. Only a strong man who could be her soul humble. He was like growing rice contains more bent. Person The humble can recognize and appreciate the excellence of others. He could make people feel okay on it, and make the people underneath do not feel inferior.
Loyalty has become a rare commodity and very high price. People loyal always to be trusted and relied upon. He always kept his word, had Strong commitment, sacrifice and not like treason.
Positive Thinking
People with positive attitude (positive thinking) are always trying to see everything from a positive lens, even in a bad situation though. He prefers to talk about the good than the bad people others, preferring to talk about hope rather than despair, more like looking for solutions rather than frustrating, more like praise than criticize, and forth.
Because not everyone is blessed with cheerful temperament, it is not fun should be interpreted facial expressions and body but the heart attitude. A cheerful person is one who can enjoy life, does not like to complain and always trying to achieve happiness. He can laugh about the situation, others, also her own. He's got the potential to entertain and encourage spirit of others.
Be responsible
The person responsible will carry out its obligations with seriously. If you make a mistake, he dared to admit. When a failure, he will not seek a scapegoat for blame. Even if he felt disappointed and hurt, he will not blaming anyone. She realizes that he himself responsible for any experienced and felt.
Self-esteem allows one to receive him as existence, respect themselves and respect for others. People who believe themselves easily adapt to new environments and situations. He know what to do and do well.
Greatness of the Soul
Greatness of soul can be seen from one's ability to forgive others. High-minded person who does not let herself be ruled by hatred and hostility. When facing difficult times he remained rigid, not let herself be swept away in sorrow and despair.
Easy Going
People who think life is easy going light. He did not like exaggerate small problems. Even tried to play down the problem- big problem. He does not like to bring up the past and did not want to worry the future. She did not want a headache and stress with the problems that are beyond their control.
Empathy is a very admirable trait. People who empathize not only a good listener but also can put yourself in someone else's. When there is conflict he is always looking for the best solution for both parties, does not like to impose their opinions and will. He always trying to comprehend and understand others.
Life is choices, and every choice determines. More precisely, every option to make sure.
Ensuring the strength and weakness, ensuring the opportunities and threats.
Choosing to live in the business world, we certainly dealing with a business phenomenon. Choosing to enter the business world, we are certainly faced with gains and losses from operations. Choosing a profession we certainly deal with the phenomenon of the profession. Choosing friends, we certainly deal with the choices the character of friends. Choosing the road, we are certainly dealing with the phenomenon of street.
Life is choices, and every option to make sure.
Life is uncertain.
It's going up and down. It would be ups and downs. It must be friendly, not friendly. It must be about pleasure and hard. It must be made happy and miserable.
we should be ashamed of these people! although they tu defects, they have not lost the spirit of the people who are normal! so, we must keep up your spirit in this life!
God created us with the potential benefit (conscience) and vices (ego). Our task then was guided by the prophets, great men, and good leaders are good is to optimize the potential and minimize the potential for evil. It eroded the negativity is not an easy matter. Difficult in fact. He involves recognizing and controlling the smart incredible ego.
Difficult, but must be done. Why? Because if not, the difficulty will be higher. And it certainly makes us a little more just in front of that negativity. Then will come the time when the potential benefit of us dying. So at this time, desperation ensued. We are desperate to actually intend to be negative. When this happens, our differences with the devil too-thin breath.
Before that happens, the negativity becomes important to scrape was done continuously. Then do the steps right with sufficient quantities. So the negativity that had bound us as: lazy, procrastinate, lie, smoking, gambling, liquor, drug pornography, drugs, anger, sadness exaggeration, arrogance, corruption, and so will be eroded.
I chose the five steps in this regard:
1. Firm intention
Everything starts from the intention was not it? And all actions where the value is in its intention. Then build a strong intention to continue to erode away negativity.My firm intention to make the formula as follows: firm intention = Desire * * Readiness Readiness for Learning to face the problem of any kind.
Firm intention of this formula consists of three issues. And associated with signs of multiplication, not addition. It means three things must exist. If one does not exist (zero), because the formula is multiplied, then the auto-zero value is also his intention.
2. Detailed and clear decision
Intention must be improved so detailed and clear decisions. Without this, the intention would be to float. Decision detail these are:
· Negativity what will be erased?
° make drastic changes (and change) or gradual (gradual)?
· List detail and a clear action.
Negative people · Where are we going to leave?
· Negative situation where the negativity in supporting us?
· Negativity supporting tools which will we waste?
· When will all this be done?
3. Removing the Secondary Enjoyment
Why are we doing negative things until those things become habit? Because we feel any pleasure. That was a secondary pleasure. In the primary we know it is wrong and negative. But that action also give pleasure. Well, because this pleasure is that we do. Then realize that the enjoyment was just a secondary character. That is, there are primary enjoyment. Smoking was delicious. If the intent had been determined to quit smoking, then start does not want the secondary pleasure. Want to quit primary enjoyment. Feel pleasure when you succeed do not be tempted to smoke. Wuah, lho ... it was delicious pleasure that comes from a sense of power over your own self.
4. Doing positive things
Not doing negative things is not enough. Usually not durable. Then you need to do something positive. To replace the void left by the negative stuff. Some time ago, I was too much TV. To remove, I do the steps. I intend to fast. I made the decision detailed and clear. I hate secondary pleasure. And I watch TV to replace the time to do positive things. Main bike. Reading. Write a book. Play with the children. And so forth.
It deals with the nerves in our brains. A termination of the relationship between the nerve cells will be permanent if the new relationship is formed. The affair will be truly ended, when the affair was terminated and build healthy and loving relationship with your spouse (husband / wife) we are legitimate. If only decide the affair without having to build a healthy and loving relationship, then the relationship will be formed again affair again. Is the affair of the old or the new.
5. Do the things Productive
This step is important so that changes and we are consistently good. Productively with a positive difference. Productive definitely positive. Positive but not necessarily productive. Every morning I was among the children to school. It was positive. But it was not productive. Make a note on facebook positive. been productive? Uncertain. And the fifth principle is important. Progress comes from productive activities. But productive activities could we can not do when positive events are too active.
Hopefully useful ... yes friends
Please pray our leaders.
In order to create a positive and productive policy for the poor.